AddMVATrainingToTrees | |
AddMVATrainingToTrees_Wrapper | |
baseconfig | |
Baseconfig | |
baseconfigCP | |
Baseconfig_cp | |
batchComputeSvfit | |
binnings | |
BinningsDict | |
calcQcdOStoSSfactor | |
CalculateQcdOStoSSFactor | |
categories | |
CategoriesDict | |
checkoutScriptsHelper | |
colors | |
ColorsDict | |
conf | |
ConfigMaster | |
Plotmodule | Enumeration class for possible plotting/analysis modules |
ConfigMaster | |
convertEfficienciesToArtusRootInput | |
correctionFactorsToRoot_antiElectronDiscrFakeRateWeights | |
correctionFactorsToRoot_identificationWeights_Data2015D_Spring15DR74Simulation_muon_MediumID | |
correctionFactorsToRoot_isolationWeights_Data2015D_Spring15DR74Simulation_muon_MediumID_LooseRelIso | |
correctionFactorsToRoot_isolationWeights_Data2015D_Spring15DR74Simulation_muon_MediumID_TightRelIso | |
correctionFactorsToRoot_triggerEfficiency_IsoMu18_DataSingleMuon2015D | |
correctionFactorsToRoot_triggerEfficiency_IsoMu18_SimulationSpring15MiniAOD_Asympt25ns | |
correlation_plotter | |
correlation_SampleCollector | |
correlation_SampleProducer | |
correlation_TProfilePlots | |
cphypotheses | |
CPHypotheses | Construct any CP hypothesis from three different hypotheses |
cpmodels | |
CPMixing | Class that takes care of building a physics model by combining individual channels and processes together Things that it can do: |
cpmodels_old | |
CPMixing | Class that takes care of building a physics model by combining individual channels and processes together Things that it can do: |
CPQuantities | |
cpstudiesdatacards | |
CPStudiesDatacards | |
create_file_list_from_gfal_embedded_test | |
gfal_filelist | |
cutOptimizer | |
CutOptimizer | |
cutstrings | |
CutStringsDict | |
datacardconfigs | |
DatacardConfigs | |
datacards | |
Datacards | |
deleteFolderdCache | |
em | |
em_ArtusConfig | |
embedding_plot_bib | |
embedding_plot_classes | |
single_plotline | This class is built to create .json files for the Harryplotter module |
single_plot | |
embedding_plotline_bib | |
estimatebase | |
EstimateBase | |
estimateff | |
EstimateFF | |
estimateqcd | |
EstimateQcd | |
estimateqcdtauhadtauhad | |
EstimateQcdTauHadTauHad | |
estimatettbar | |
EstimateTtbar | |
estimatewjets | |
EstimateWjets | |
estimatewjetsandqcd | |
EstimateWjetsAndQCD | |
estimateztt | |
EstimateZtt | |
et | |
et_ArtusConfig | |
expressions | |
ExpressionsDict | |
gc_binning_scan | |
gc_makePlots_datacardsSMHtt1 | |
gen | |
gen_ArtusConfig | |
GetFocussedTrainingCut | |
getInclusiveWeight | |
globalProcessors | |
globalProccesors | |
higgsmodels | |
TwoHypotesisHiggs | This base class implements signal yields by production and decay mode Specific models can be obtained redefining getHiggsSignalYieldScale |
higgsparser | |
HiggsParser | |
higgsplot | |
HiggsPlotter | |
HiggsToTauTauAnalysis | |
higgstotautauanalysiswrapper | |
HiggsToTauTauAnalysisWrapper | |
IncludeQuantities | |
initialstatecpstudiesdatacards | |
InitialStateCPStudiesDatacards | |
inputroothtt | |
InputRootHtt | |
kitHiggsTauTauTauCheckoutPackages | |
labels | |
LabelsDict | |
LepFlaVio | |
Analysismodule | Enumeration class for analysis functions of flavio |
lfvdatacards | |
LFVDatacards | |
lfvzltdatacards | |
LFVZltDatacards | |
LFVZltDatacardsForSync | |
limit_collector | |
makePlots_13TeVProjections | |
makePlots_8TeVLimitSynch | |
makePlots_allGenPhiCPPlots | |
makePlots_BDTandCutEff_TauPolarisation | |
makePlots_BdtShiftLimits | |
makePlots_categoryOverlap | |
makePlots_compareControlPlotInputs | |
makePlots_compareLimitInputs | |
makePlots_controlPlots | |
makePlots_CP_rho_cut_efficiency | |
makePlots_datacardsCPInitialState | |
makePlots_datacardsCPStudies | |
makePlots_datacardsCPStudies_projection | |
makePlots_datacardsLFV | |
makePlots_datacardsLFVZlt | |
makePlots_datacardsMSSMHtt | |
makePlots_datacardsPostfitPlots | |
makePlots_datacardsQCDfactors | |
makePlots_datacardsSMHtt | |
makePlots_datacardsSMHtt_limitProjection | |
makePlots_datacardsSMHtt_nDim | |
makePlots_datacardsTauEsStudies | |
makePlots_datacardsZttCrossSection | |
makePlots_datacardsZttEfficiency | |
makePlots_datacardsZttPolarisation | |
makePlots_datacardsZttPolarisation_shared | |
makePlots_EmbeddedScaledControlplots | |
makePlots_genCPPlots | |
makePlots_genCPPlots_1 | |
makePlots_genCPPlots_genvsreco | |
makePlots_genCPPlots_genvsreco1 | |
makePlots_genCPPlots_reco | |
makePlots_genCPPlotswithDYandSUSY | |
makePlots_htautauPlots | |
makePlots_jsonConfigs | |
makePlots_limitComparison | |
makePlots_limitInputs | |
makePlots_limitInputsPrefitPlots | |
makePlots_overlap | |
makePlots_PolSelEfficiency | |
makePlots_recogenPhiStarCP | |
makePlots_recoPhiStarCP | |
makePlots_rocCurves | |
makePlots_runtimes | |
makePlots_shapeUncertainties | |
makePlots_syncPlots | |
makePlots_tauEsStudies | |
makePlots_theoryUncertainties | |
makePlots_triggerEfficiencies | |
makePlots_triggerEfficiencies_masswindow | |
makePlots_triggerEfficiencyFits | |
makePlots_zttPolarisationPlots | |
makePlots_ZTTtheoryUnc | |
mm | |
mm_ArtusConfig | |
mt | |
mt_ArtusConfig | |
mvaCategory_Shifts | |
mvaCategory_Uncertainties | |
mvadatacards_base | |
Datacards | |
MVAFlavio | |
nFold_DiffScan | |
nicknames | |
normalizeforpolarisation | |
NormalizeForPolarisation | Normalize zttpospol and zttnegpol histograms to same integrals at generator level |
plot_AUC_1D | |
plot_AUC_2D | |
plot_BDTSeparation | |
plot_overtraining | |
plotroothtt | |
PlotRootHtt | |
printLaTeX_BDT | |
processorOrdering | |
processors_ordered | |
pullvalues | |
ComputePullValues | Compares pre-fit and post-fit nuisance parameters from a MaxLikelihood fit |
qcdfactorsdatacards | |
QcdFactorsDatacards | |
read_datacardshapes | |
reduce_mergedFiles | |
Run2Quantities | |
quantities | |
samples | |
SamplesBase | |
samples_ff | |
Samples | |
samples_run1 | |
Samples | |
samples_run2_2015 | |
Samples | |
samples_run2_2016 | |
Samples | |
samples_run2_2017 | |
Samples | |
samples_run2_embedding_selection | |
Samples | |
samples_run2_etaufakerate | |
Samples | |
samples_run2_etaufakerate_2016 | |
Samples | |
samples_run2_OStoSSExtSF | |
Samples | |
scaleVariations_latexTables | |
scaleVariations_ZttOverZmumu | |
scaleVariations_ZttOverZttInclusive | |
settingsBTaggedJetID | |
BTaggedJet_ID | |
settingsElectronID | |
Electron_ID | |
settingsJEC | |
JEC | |
settingsJECUncertaintySplit | |
JECUncertaintySplit | |
settingsJetID | |
Jet_ID | |
settingsKappa | |
Kappa | |
settingsLheWeights | |
LheWeights | |
settingsMadGraphReweighting | |
MadGraphReweighting | |
settingsMinimalPlotlevelFilter | |
MinimalPlotlevelFilter | |
settingsMuonID | |
Muon_ID | |
settingsMVATestMethods | |
MVATestMethods | |
settingsSampleStitchingWeights | |
SampleStitchingWeights | |
settingsSvfit | |
Svfit | |
settingsTauES | |
TauES | |
settingsTauID | |
Tau_ID | |
settingsTauPolarisationMva | |
TauPolarisationMva | |
settingsTauSpinner | |
TauSpinner | |
setup | |
signal_xsecs | |
signalcpcalibration | |
SignalCPCalibration | This module applies the calibration procedure via DY events of the phi*cp distribution of the signal, as suggested by Berge et al |
significance_2d | |
significance_collector | |
smhttdatacards | |
SMHttDatacards | |
SMHttDatacardsForSync | |
std | |
submitCrabSvfitJobs | |
svfitCacheTreeMerge | |
systematics | |
Systematics_Config | |
systematics_libary | |
SystematicLibary | |
systematics_run1 | |
SystematicShiftBase | |
Nominal | |
TauEsSystematic | |
SvfitMassSystematic | |
systematics_run2 | |
SystematicsFactory | |
SystematicShiftBase | |
WJetScaleFactor0JetSystematic | |
WJetScaleFactorBoostedSystematic | |
WJetScaleFactorVbfSystematic | |
GGHRenormalizationScaleSystematic | |
Nominal | |
JecUncSystematic | |
JecUncSplitSystematic | |
TTBarShapeSystematic | |
DYShapeSystematic | |
JetFakeTauQCDShapeSystematic | |
JetFakeTauWShapeSystematic | |
JetFakeTauTTcorrShapeSystematic | |
JetFakeTauTTstatShapeSystematic | |
JetFakeTauFracQCDShapeSystematic | |
JetFakeTauFracWShapeSystematic | |
JetFakeTauFracTTShapeSystematic | |
JetFakeTauFracDYShapeSystematic | |
MuFakeTauEsSystematic | |
EleFakeTauEsSystematic | |
TauEsSystematic | |
EleEsSystematic | |
MuonEsSystematic | |
MetResponseSystematic | |
TagEleEsSystematic | |
ProbeTauEsSystematic | |
ProbeEleEsSystematic | |
MassResSystematic | |
MassResSystematicv2 | |
BTagSystematic | |
BMistagSystematic | |
ElectronToTauOneProngFakeSystematic | |
ElectronToTauOneProngPiZerosFakeSystematic | |
MuonToTauOneProngFakeSystematic | |
MuonToTauOneProngPiZerosFakeSystematic | |
JetToTauFakeSystematic | |
MetJetEnSystematic | |
MetUnclusteredEnSystematic | |
TauDMRecoOneProngSystematic | |
TauDMRecoOneProngPiZerosSystematic | |
TauDMRecoThreeProngSystematic | |
ElectronFakeOneProngTauEnergyScaleSystematic | |
ElectronFakeOneProngPiZerosTauEnergyScaleSystematic | |
MuonFakeOneProngTauEnergyScaleSystematic | |
MuonFakeOneProngPiZerosTauEnergyScaleSystematic | |
TauESOneProngSystematic | |
TauESOneProngPiZerosSystematic | |
TauESThreeProngSystematic | |
tauesstudies | |
TauEsStudies | |
taupogdatacards | |
TauEsDatacards | |
tmvaWrapper | |
tools | |
PoissonYield | |
treemerge | |
triggerTurnOnParametrisation | |
tt | |
tt_ArtusConfig | |
uncertainties | |
1to2 | |
core | |
lib1to2 | |
fixes | |
fix_std_dev | |
FixStdDev | |
fix_std_devs | |
FixStdDevs | |
fix_uarray_umatrix | |
FixUarrayUmatrix | |
fix_ufloat | |
FixUfloat | |
test_1to2 | |
test_umath | |
test_uncertainties | |
DerivativesDiffer | |
NewVariable_dict | Classes for the pickling tests (put at the module level, so that they can be unpickled): |
NewVariable_slots_tuple | |
NewVariable_slots_str | |
FunctionCalled | Test of the unicode formatting of numbers with uncertainties |
umath | |
umath_core | |
unumpy | |
core | |
CallableStdDevs | Matrix class |
matrix | |
test_ulinalg | |
test_unumpy | |
ulinalg | |
unrolltwodhistogram | |
UnrollTwoDHistogram | Convert two dimensional histogram into concatenation of one dimensional histograms |
weakmixinganglefrompolarisation | |
WeakMixingAngleFromPolarisation | Convert graphs of average tau polarisation into weak mixing angle graphs using a given calibration curve |
zttmodels | |
ZttEffAndXsec | Class that takes care of building a physics model by combining individual channels and processes together Things that it can do: |
ZttEff | |
zttpolarisationdatacards | |
ZttPolarisationDatacards | |
zttxsecdatacards | |
ZttXsecDatacards | |
ZttEffDatacards | |
ZttLepTauFakeRateDatacards | |
ZttJetTauFakeFactorDatacards | |
AcceptanceEfficiencyConsumer | |
AntiTtbarDiscriminatorTmvaReader | Producer for discriminator agains TTbar (as used in the EM channel) |
BTagEffConsumer | |
CPQuantities | Place to collect functions calculating CP quantities -Phi* : this is a variable, with which one can say, whether the considered boson is a CP even state or a CP odd state -Phi*CP : this is a variable, with which one can figure out, whether the Higgs is a CP mixture or not -Zs : this is a variable, with which one can figure out, wether the considered boson has spin 1 (Z) or 0 (Higgs) |
quantities | |
DataMcScaleFactorProducerBase | |
DecayChannelFilter | |
DecayChannelProducer | |
DiGenJetQuantitiesProducer | |
DiGenTauPair | |
DiJetQuantitiesProducer | |
DiLeptonChargeFilter | |
DiLeptonQuantitiesProducer | |
DiLeptonVetoFilterBase | |
DiLeptonVetoProducerBase | |
DiTauPair | |
DiTauPairIsoPtComparator | |
DiVetoElectronVetoFilter | |
DiVetoElectronVetoProducer | |
DiVetoMuonVetoFilter | |
DiVetoMuonVetoProducer | |
EETriggerTagAndProbeConsumer | |
EETriggerTagAndProbeProducer | |
EETriggerWeightProducer | |
ElectronEtaSelector | |
EleTauFakeRateWeightProducer | |
EmbeddingConsumer | |
EmbeddingGlobalQuantitiesProducer | Producer, that is calculating quantities describing the full event in embedding. Need follwoing Producers to be executed for this (attention to order!): |
EmuQcdWeightProducer | EmuQcdWeightProducer Config tags: |
ETTriggerTagAndProbeConsumer | |
ETTriggerTagAndProbeProducer | |
EventCountConsumer | |
GenDiTauPairAcceptanceFilter | |
GenDiTauPairAcceptanceProducer | |
GenDiTauPairCandidatesFilter | |
GenDiTauPairCandidatesProducerBase | Producers for generator-level di-tau pairs candidates |
GenEEPairCandidatesProducer | |
GenEMPairCandidatesProducer | |
GenETPairCandidatesProducer | |
GenHiggsCPProducer | |
GenMatchedPolarisationQuantitiesProducer | |
GenMatchedTauCPProducer | |
GenMMPairCandidatesProducer | |
GenMTPairCandidatesProducer | |
GenTauCPProducer | |
GenTauCPProducerBase | GlobalProducer, for CP studies of tau decays. Following quantities are calculated from the input of GenTauDecayProducer : |
GenTTPairCandidatesProducer | |
HttElectronCorrectionsProducer | Producer for electron energy scale corrections (Htt version) |
HttEnumTypes | |
HttEvent | |
HttEventProvider | Class to connect the analysis specific event content to the pipelines |
HttFactory | |
HttLambdaNtupleConsumer | |
HttMetadata | |
HttMuonCorrectionsProducer | Producer for muon energy scale corrections (Htt version) |
HttProduct | |
HttSettings | Reads settings for all parts of the KappaAnalysis code from a prepared json configuration file |
HttTauCorrectionsProducer | Producer for tau energy scale corrections (Htt version) |
HttTriggerSettingsProducer | |
HttTypes | All data types which are used for Htt analyses |
HttValidElectronsProducer | GlobalProducer, for valid electrons |
HttValidGenTausProducer | Fill lists of generator taus in compareable to the Lists of reconstructed particles This producer needs the m_genTaus vector from Artus filled |
HttValidJetsProducer | Producer for valid jets (simple PF jets) |
HttValidLooseElectronsProducer | |
HttValidLooseMuonsProducer | |
HttValidMuonsProducer | GlobalProducer, for valid muons |
HttValidTaggedJetsProducer | Producer for valid jets (tagged PF jets) |
HttValidTausProducer | GlobalProducer, for valid taus. Config tags: |
HttValidVetoElectronsProducer | |
HttValidVetoMuonsProducer | |
IdentificationWeightProducer | |
JetToTauFakesProducer | JetToTauFakesProducer Config tags: |
LepTauScaleFactorWeightProducer | |
LFVJetCorrection2016Producer | |
LooseElectronsCountFilter | |
LooseMuonsCountFilter | |
MadGraphReweightingProducer | |
MaxLooseElectronsCountFilter | |
MaxLooseMuonsCountFilter | |
MELAM125Producer | |
MELAProducer | |
MetCorrector | Corrector for (PF) MET |
MetCorrectorBase | Corrects the MET created by the MET producer |
MetFilter | |
MetLowerPtCutsFilter | |
MetprojectionProducer | GlobalProducer for MET studies |
MetSelector | Producer for (PF) MET |
MetSelectorBase | Producer for the MET |
MetSelectorPuppi | Producer for Puppi MET |
MEtSys | |
MetUpperPtCutsFilter | |
MinimalPlotlevelFilter | |
MMTriggerTagAndProbeConsumer | |
MMTriggerTagAndProbeProducer | |
MTTriggerTagAndProbeConsumer | |
MTTriggerTagAndProbeProducer | |
MuMuTriggerScaleFactorProducer | MuMuTriggerScaleFactorProducer Config tags: |
MuMuTriggerWeightProducer | |
MuonTauFakeRateWeightProducer | |
MuTauTriggerWeightProducer | |
MVAInputQuantitiesProducer | |
MvaMetCorrector | Corrector for MVAMET |
MvaMetEMSelector | Producer for MVAMET (EM channel) |
MvaMetETSelector | Producer for MVAMET (ET channel) |
MvaMetMTSelector | Producer for MVAMET (MT channel) |
MvaMetSelector | Producer for MVAMET (EM channel) |
MvaMetTTSelector | Producer for MVAMET (TT channel) |
MVATestMethodsProducer | Producer for discriminator agains TTbar (as used in the EM channel) |
ParticleIsolation | Calculate isolation quantities for particles |
PhiCPSVfitQuantity | |
PhiStarCPSVfitQuantity | |
PolarisationQuantitiesProducerBase | |
PolarisationQuantitiesSimpleFitProducer | |
PolarisationQuantitiesSvfitM91Producer | |
PolarisationQuantitiesSvfitProducer | |
Quantities | |
RecoilCorrector | |
RecoMuonInElectronConeVetoFilter | |
RecoTauCPProducer | |
RefitVertexSelector | |
RooWorkspaceWeightProducer | RooWorkspaceWeightProducer Config tags: |
Run2DecayChannelProducer | |
ScaleVariationProducer | ScaleVariationsProducer |
SimpleEleTauFakeRateWeightProducer | SimpleEleTauFakeRateWeightProducer Config tags: |
SimpleFitProducer | |
SimpleMuTauFakeRateWeightProducer | SimpleMuTauFakeRateWeightProducer Config tags: |
SvfitCacheConsumer | |
SvfitEventKey | |
SvfitInputs | |
SvfitM125Producer | |
SvfitM91Producer | |
SvfitProducer | |
SvfitResults | |
SvfitTools | |
TagAndProbeElectronPairConsumer | |
TagAndProbeElectronPairProducer | |
TagAndProbeGenElectronConsumer | |
TagAndProbeGenElectronProducer | |
TagAndProbeGenMuonConsumer | |
TagAndProbeGenMuonProducer | |
TagAndProbeGenTauConsumer | |
TagAndProbeGenTauProducer | |
TagAndProbeMuonPairConsumer | |
TagAndProbeMuonPairProducer | |
TaggedJetUncertaintyShiftProducer | Producer for jet energy scale corrections (Htt version) |
TauPolarisationTmvaReader | |
TauSpinnerProducer | GlobalProducer, for tau decays on generator level. Following quantities are calculated: -This producer has the product of the GenTauDecayProducer as input and calculates the TauSpinnerWeight for these particles, where tau is the daughter of Higgs |
TauTauHistogramAdapter | |
TauTauRestFrameSelector | |
TauTauTriggerScaleFactorProducer | TauTauTriggerScaleFactorProducer Config tags: |
TauTauTriggerWeightProducer | |
TopPtReweightingProducer | TopPtReweightingProducer Top Pt reweighting as suggested on: Config tags: |
TriggerTagAndProbeConsumerBase | |
TriggerTagAndProbeProducerBase | |
TriggerWeightProducer | |
TTbarGenDecayModeProducer | |
TTHDecayChannelProducer | |
TTHTauPairProducer | |
ValidDiTauPairCandidatesFilter | |
ValidDiTauPairCandidatesProducerBase | Producers for candidates of di-tau pairs |
ValidEEPairCandidatesProducer | |
ValidEMPairCandidatesProducer | |
ValidETPairCandidatesProducer | |
ValidMMPairCandidatesProducer | |
ValidMTPairCandidatesProducer | |
ValidTTPairCandidatesProducer | |
ZBosonVetoFilter | |
ZPtReweightProducer | ZPtReweightProducer Config tags: |