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MVAFlavio Namespace Reference


def parser
 Argument parser. More...
def create_input_trees
 Create input trees for BDT method, splitting signal and background events for each channel in even and odd event numbered. More...
def write_root_file
 Function writing root files in paralell. More...
def training
 Do the training/evaluaton for the splitted samples for each channel. More...
def do_training
 Function for doing the training in parelell. More...
def application
 Function for creating grid control for the application of the BDT score. More...
def attach
 Function for attaching BDT score on root file. More...
def show_results
 Use TMVA Gui to show trainings results. More...
def main


int version = 2
 Define constants. More...
string sample_dir = "/net/scratch_cms3b/brunner/artus/AllSamples/merged/"
string tree_name = "{channel}_nominal/ntuple"
string input_file = "$CMSSW_BASE/src/plots/FlavioOutput/MVA_trees_{sample_type}{cut_label}_{channel}.root"
string output_root = "$CMSSW_BASE/src/plots/FlavioOutput/output"
list sig_list = ["zem"]
list bkg_list = ["ztt", "zll", "ttj", "vv", "wj"]
list parameter = ["deltaPhi_ll:= acos(cos(phi_1)*cos(phi_2) + sin(phi_1)*sin(phi_2))", "deltaPhi_l1met:= acos(cos(metphi)*cos(phi_1) + sin(metphi)*sin(phi_1))", "deltaPhi_l2met:= acos(cos(metphi)*cos(phi_2) + sin(metphi)*sin(phi_2))", "abs(d0_1)", "abs(d0_2)", "pt_1", "pt_2", "ptvis", "met", "mt_2"]
dictionary user_def_parameter

Function Documentation

def MVAFlavio.application ( )

Function for creating grid control for the application of the BDT score.

def MVAFlavio.attach (   file_name)

Function for attaching BDT score on root file.

def MVAFlavio.create_input_trees ( )

Create input trees for BDT method, splitting signal and background events for each channel in even and odd event numbered.

def MVAFlavio.do_training (   args)

Function for doing the training in parelell.

def MVAFlavio.main ( )
def MVAFlavio.parser ( )

Argument parser.

def MVAFlavio.show_results (   file_name)

Use TMVA Gui to show trainings results.

def MVAFlavio.training ( )

Do the training/evaluaton for the splitted samples for each channel.

def MVAFlavio.write_root_file (   args)

Function writing root files in paralell.

Variable Documentation

list MVAFlavio.bkg_list = ["ztt", "zll", "ttj", "vv", "wj"]
string MVAFlavio.input_file = "$CMSSW_BASE/src/plots/FlavioOutput/MVA_trees_{sample_type}{cut_label}_{channel}.root"
string MVAFlavio.output_root = "$CMSSW_BASE/src/plots/FlavioOutput/output"
list MVAFlavio.parameter = ["deltaPhi_ll:= acos(cos(phi_1)*cos(phi_2) + sin(phi_1)*sin(phi_2))", "deltaPhi_l1met:= acos(cos(metphi)*cos(phi_1) + sin(metphi)*sin(phi_1))", "deltaPhi_l2met:= acos(cos(metphi)*cos(phi_2) + sin(metphi)*sin(phi_2))", "abs(d0_1)", "abs(d0_2)", "pt_1", "pt_2", "ptvis", "met", "mt_2"]
string MVAFlavio.sample_dir = "/net/scratch_cms3b/brunner/artus/AllSamples/merged/"
list MVAFlavio.sig_list = ["zem"]
string MVAFlavio.tree_name = "{channel}_nominal/ntuple"
dictionary MVAFlavio.user_def_parameter
Initial value:
1 = {
2  0: [lambda phi_1, phi_2: acos(cos(phi_1)*cos(phi_2) + sin(phi_1)*sin(phi_2)), ["phi_1", "phi_2"]],
3  1: [lambda phi_1, phi_2: acos(cos(phi_1)*cos(phi_2) + sin(phi_1)*sin(phi_2)), ["metphi", "phi_1"]],
4  2: [lambda phi_1, phi_2: acos(cos(phi_1)*cos(phi_2) + sin(phi_1)*sin(phi_2)), ["metphi", "phi_2"]],
5  3: [lambda d0_1: abs(d0_1), ["d0_1"]],
6  4: [lambda d0_2: abs(d0_2), ["d0_2"]],
7 }
int MVAFlavio.version = 2

Define constants.