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TopPtReweightingProducer Class Reference

TopPtReweightingProducer Top Pt reweighting as suggested on: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/TopPtReweighting Config tags: More...

#include <TopPtReweightingProducer.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for TopPtReweightingProducer:

Public Member Functions

std::string GetProducerId () const override
virtual void Init (setting_type const &settings, metadata_type &metadata) override
void Produce (event_type const &event, product_type &product, setting_type const &settings, metadata_type const &metadata) const override

Detailed Description

TopPtReweightingProducer Top Pt reweighting as suggested on: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/TopPtReweighting Config tags:

  • TopPtReweightingStrategy: possible values: Run1, Run2. If something else is defined, then Run2 is taken. Both weigths are computed.

Member Function Documentation

std::string TopPtReweightingProducer::GetProducerId ( ) const
void TopPtReweightingProducer::Init ( setting_type const &  settings,
metadata_type &  metadata 
void TopPtReweightingProducer::Produce ( event_type const &  event,
product_type &  product,
setting_type const &  settings,
metadata_type const &  metadata 
) const

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