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uncertainties.lib1to2.fixes.fix_ufloat.FixUfloat Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for uncertainties.lib1to2.fixes.fix_ufloat.FixUfloat:

Public Member Functions

def transform

Static Public Attributes

string PATTERN
 tuple_any_call = tuple_any_call)

Member Function Documentation

def uncertainties.lib1to2.fixes.fix_ufloat.FixUfloat.transform (   self,

Member Data Documentation

string uncertainties.lib1to2.fixes.fix_ufloat.FixUfloat.PATTERN
Initial value:
1 = """
2  power< 'ufloat' {tuple_call} any* >
3  |
4  power< 'ufloat' {tuple_any_call} any* >
5  |
6  power< 'ufloat' trailer< '(' string=STRING ')' > any* >
7  |
8  power< 'ufloat' trailer< '('
9  arglist<
10  string=STRING
11  ',' tag=any
12  >
13  ')' > any* >
14  |
15  power< object=NAME trailer< '.' 'ufloat' > {tuple_call} any* >
16  |
17  power< object=NAME trailer< '.' 'ufloat' > {tuple_any_call} any* >
18  |
19  power< object=NAME trailer< '.' 'ufloat' >
20  trailer< '(' string=STRING ')' >
21  any* >
22  |
23  power< object=NAME trailer< '.' 'ufloat' >
24  trailer< '(' arglist< string=STRING ',' tag=any > ')' >
25  any* >
26  """
uncertainties.lib1to2.fixes.fix_ufloat.FixUfloat.tuple_any_call = tuple_any_call)

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