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uncertainties.umath_core Namespace Reference


def wraps
 Update a wrapper function to look like the wrapped function. More...
def log_der0
 Wrapping of math functions: More...
def wrap_locally_cst_func
def wrapped_fsum
def modf
def ldexp
def frexp


list many_scalars_to_scalar_funcs = []
tuple num_deriv_funcs = set(['fmod', 'gamma', 'lgamma'])
tuple locally_cst_funcs = set(['ceil', 'floor', 'isinf', 'isnan', 'trunc'])
list non_std_wrapped_funcs = []
int erf_coef = 2
dictionary fixed_derivatives
list this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
list derivatives = fixed_derivatives[name]
tuple func = getattr(math, name)
tuple wrapped_func = wrap_locally_cst_func(func)
 factorial = math.factorial
 Special cases: some of the functions from no_std_wrapping: More...
 original_func = math.fsum
tuple fsum = wrapped_fsum()
 __all__ = many_scalars_to_scalar_funcs+non_std_wrapped_funcs
 Exported functions: More...

Function Documentation

def uncertainties.umath_core.frexp (   x)
def uncertainties.umath_core.ldexp (   x,
def uncertainties.umath_core.log_der0 (   args)

Wrapping of math functions:

Derivative of math.log() with respect to its first argument.

Works whether 1 or 2 arguments are given.
def uncertainties.umath_core.modf (   x)
def uncertainties.umath_core.wrap_locally_cst_func (   func)
def uncertainties.umath_core.wrapped_fsum ( )
def uncertainties.umath_core.wraps (   wrapper,
  assigned = ('__doc__',,
  updated = ('__dict__', 

Update a wrapper function to look like the wrapped function.

wrapper function to be updated wrapped original function assigned tuple naming the attributes assigned directly from the wrapped function to the wrapper function updated tuple naming the attributes of the wrapper that are updated with the corresponding attribute from the wrapped function.

Variable Documentation

uncertainties.umath_core.__all__ = many_scalars_to_scalar_funcs+non_std_wrapped_funcs

Exported functions:

list uncertainties.umath_core.derivatives = fixed_derivatives[name]
int uncertainties.umath_core.erf_coef = 2
uncertainties.umath_core.factorial = math.factorial

Special cases: some of the functions from no_std_wrapping:

The math.factorial function is not converted to an uncertainty-aware function, because it does not handle non-integer arguments: it does not make sense to give it an argument with a numerical error (whereas this would be relevant for the gamma function).

dictionary uncertainties.umath_core.fixed_derivatives
tuple uncertainties.umath_core.fsum = wrapped_fsum()
tuple uncertainties.umath_core.func = getattr(math, name)
tuple uncertainties.umath_core.locally_cst_funcs = set(['ceil', 'floor', 'isinf', 'isnan', 'trunc'])
list uncertainties.umath_core.many_scalars_to_scalar_funcs = []
list uncertainties.umath_core.non_std_wrapped_funcs = []
tuple uncertainties.umath_core.num_deriv_funcs = set(['fmod', 'gamma', 'lgamma'])
uncertainties.umath_core.original_func = math.fsum
list uncertainties.umath_core.this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
tuple uncertainties.umath_core.wrapped_func = wrap_locally_cst_func(func)