Public Member Functions | |
def | __init__ |
![]() | |
def | __init__ |
def | add_processes |
def | get_samples_per_shape_systematic |
def | lnN2shape |
def | extract_shapes |
def | create_morphing_signals |
def | add_bin_by_bin_uncertainties |
def | scale_expectation |
def | scale_processes |
def | remove_shape_uncertainties |
def | replace_observation_by_asimov_dataset |
def | read_datacards |
def | write_datacards |
def | text2workspace |
def | combine |
def | annotate_trees |
def | hypotestresulttree |
def | plot1DScan |
def | postfit_shapes |
def | postfit_shapes_fromworkspace |
def | prefit_postfit_plots |
def | print_pulls |
def | pull_plots |
This method is depreceated since there exists an official way to produce the impacts of nuisance parameters. More... | |
def | nuisance_impacts |
def | auto_rebin |
Static Public Attributes | |
list | signal_processes = ["zet"] |
list | background_processes_mt = ["ZTT", "ZL", "ZJ", "EWKZ", "TTT", "TTJJ", "VV", "W", "QCD"] |
list | background_processes_et = ["ZTT", "ZL", "ZJ", "EWKZ", "TTT", "TTJJ", "VV", "W", "QCD"] |
list | background_processes_tt = ["ZTT", "ZL", "ZJ", "EWKZ", "TTT", "TTJJ", "VVT", "VVJ", "W", "QCD"] |
list | background_processes_em = ["ZTT", "ZLL", "EWKZ", "TT", "VV", "hww_gg125", "hww_qq125", "W", "QCD"] |
list | background_processes_mm = ["ZLL", "TT", "VV", "W"] |
list | background_processes_ttbar = ["ZTT", "ZLL", "EWKZ", "TT", "VV", "W", "QCD"] |
list | all_mc_bkgs = ["ZTT", "ZL", "ZJ", "ZLL", "EWKZ", "TT", "TTT", "TTJJ", "VV", "VVT", "VVJ", "W", "hww_gg125", "hww_qq125"] |
list | all_mc_bkgs_no_W = ["ZTT", "ZL", "ZJ", "ZLL", "EWKZ", "TT", "TTT", "TTJJ", "VV", "VVT", "VVJ", "hww_gg125", "hww_qq125"] |
list | all_mc_bkgs_no_TTJ = ["ZTT", "ZL", "ZJ", "ZLL", "EWKZ", "TT", "TTT", "VV", "VVT", "VVJ", "W", "hww_gg125", "hww_qq125"] |
list | jecUncertNames |
string | channel = "mt" |
tuple | categories = Categories.CategoriesDict() |
bkg_processes = background_processes_mt, | |
list | sig_processes = ["zmt"] |
list | analysis = ["LFV"] |
list | era = ["13TeV"] |
mass = higgs_masses | |
sig_processes = signal_processes, | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
def | get_yield_unc_rel |
Extracts the data from background estimation methods stored in the metadata TObjString. More... | |
![]() | |
cb | |
configs | |
stable_options | |
workspace | |
morphing_variable | |
def lfvzltdatacards.LFVZltDatacards.__init__ | ( | self, | |
higgs_masses = ["90"] , |
ttbarFit = False , |
mmFit = False , |
year = "" , |
noJECuncSplit = False , |
cb = None , |
signal_processes = None |
) |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |