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limit_collector Namespace Reference


tuple log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
tuple parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Print contents of trees.", parents=[logger.loggingParser])
string help = "use the limit extracted from this workspace as baseline for the others: other-this"
tuple args = parser.parse_args()
tuple fig = plt.figure()
tuple ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
list x_names = []
list plots = []
 calculate_diff = True
list x_values = []
list y_mid = []
list y_down = []
list y_up = []
list file_list = []
list diff_list = []
tuple current_chain = ROOT.TChain("chain_%i"%i)
tuple current_chain_d = ROOT.TChain("chain_%i"%i)
int counter = 0
int up = 0
int mid = 0
int down = 0
int counter_d = 0
int up_d = 0
int mid_d = 0
int down_d = 0
 full_error_change = up-down-up_d+down_d

Variable Documentation

tuple limit_collector.args = parser.parse_args()
tuple limit_collector.ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
limit_collector.calculate_diff = True
int limit_collector.counter = 0
int limit_collector.counter_d = 0
tuple limit_collector.current_chain = ROOT.TChain("chain_%i"%i)
tuple limit_collector.current_chain_d = ROOT.TChain("chain_%i"%i)
list limit_collector.diff_list = []
limit_collector.down = 0
limit_collector.down_d = 0
tuple limit_collector.fig = plt.figure()
list limit_collector.file_list = []
limit_collector.full_error_change = up-down-up_d+down_d
string limit_collector.help = "use the limit extracted from this workspace as baseline for the others: other-this"
tuple limit_collector.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
limit_collector.mid = 0
limit_collector.mid_d = 0
tuple limit_collector.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Print contents of trees.", parents=[logger.loggingParser])
list limit_collector.plots = []
limit_collector.up = 0
limit_collector.up_d = 0
list limit_collector.x_names = []
list limit_collector.x_values = []
list limit_collector.y_down = []
list limit_collector.y_mid = []
list limit_collector.y_up = []