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correlation_plotter Namespace Reference


tuple log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
tuple parser
string help = "Input directory. Use directory of artusoutput, which contains output and merged folder"
list default = ["ggh", "qqh", "vh", "ztt", "zll", "ttj", "vv", "wj", "data"]
list choices = ["ggh", "qqh", "vh", "ztt", "zll", "ttj", "vv", "wj", "data"]
tuple args = parser.parse_args()
list plot_configs = []
 dir_path = args.output_dir
string storage_name_extension = dir_path+"/storage/reduced"
tuple sample_settings = samples.Samples()
 category = None
list list_of_samples = [getattr(samples.Samples, requested_sample)]
tuple config
list stored_files_list = []
string c_tree = ""
tuple c_tree_list = ROOT.TList()
list root_file_name_list = []
string cuts = ""
string root_file_name = root_file_name+'/'
tuple store_file = ROOT.TFile(stored_files_list[-1], "RECREATE")
tuple selection_string = cuts.replace("eventWeight*", "")

Variable Documentation

tuple correlation_plotter.args = parser.parse_args()
list correlation_plotter.c_tree = ""
tuple correlation_plotter.c_tree_list = ROOT.TList()
correlation_plotter.category = None
list correlation_plotter.choices = ["ggh", "qqh", "vh", "ztt", "zll", "ttj", "vv", "wj", "data"]
tuple correlation_plotter.config
Initial value:
1 = sample_settings.get_config(
2  samples=list_of_samples,
3  channel=channel,
4  category=category,
5  higgs_masses=args.higgs_masses,
6  normalise_signal_to_one_pb=False,
7  ztt_from_mc=False,
8  weight=args.weight,
9  exclude_cuts=args.exclude_cuts,
10  stack_signal=False,
11  scale_signal=1.0,
12  mssm=False
13  )
list correlation_plotter.cuts = ""
list correlation_plotter.default = ["ggh", "qqh", "vh", "ztt", "zll", "ttj", "vv", "wj", "data"]
correlation_plotter.dir_path = args.output_dir
string correlation_plotter.help = "Input directory. Use directory of artusoutput, which contains output and merged folder"
list correlation_plotter.list_of_samples = [getattr(samples.Samples, requested_sample)]
tuple correlation_plotter.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
tuple correlation_plotter.parser
Initial value:
1 = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Train BDTs using TMVA interface.",
2  parents=[logger.loggingParser])
list correlation_plotter.plot_configs = []
string correlation_plotter.root_file_name = root_file_name+'/'
list correlation_plotter.root_file_name_list = []
tuple correlation_plotter.sample_settings = samples.Samples()
tuple correlation_plotter.selection_string = cuts.replace("eventWeight*", "")
string correlation_plotter.storage_name_extension = dir_path+"/storage/reduced"
tuple correlation_plotter.store_file = ROOT.TFile(stored_files_list[-1], "RECREATE")
list correlation_plotter.stored_files_list = []